About Egirl-reviews.com
We could write a very long story here about how we love gaming and how we love writing, but the real story is actually a bit weirder and crazier.

A bit of a background
Early 2020 more and more YouTube E-girl review videos started popping up. Not only that, but competition in this domain also started picking up. The two biggest platforms currently being Fiverr and E-pal (Initially known as e-girl.gg). We were about two weeks into the worldwide pandemic and had plenty of time on our hands.
One night my friend hopped on my Discord server (For those who don’t know; online voice chat) and suggested that we would hire a girl to play with us. This was a first for me, but I gave it a try. It turned out to be more fun than I expected and ended up in the creation of this website.

The inspiration for Egirl-Reviews.com
One of my friends is a big fan of anime series. He’s watched many of them and one that particularly stood out was Interspecies Reviewers, a story about a group of 4 men who visit discrete locations to have paid intercourse. While the show itself is of a more mature nature the concept is pretty funny. The group consists of a group of four men (Two steady reviewers and two guest reviewers).
While we at Egirl-reviews.com do not want to create or allow any NSFW content, we did find it an interesting format and though it would be cool if people could read reviews about e-girls. The goal here is to help people finding the right E-girl to play and hang out with and to provide entertainment to those who want.
It is also an apportunity for an E-girl to stand out and gain popularity through their online exposure. As a review gains you the following things:
- Online presence (Your brand name is mentioned more often online)
- A backlink to your e-girl profile (Bumping it in Google searches and getting traffic)
- Some free feedback on how people see you and what people might like / dislike
- A chance for those who have played with you to share more in-depth experiences than a simple rating out of 5.
Become a Contributor
Would you like to contribute to this website? We are looking for people who can help us!