E-girl wallpapers, whether for a phone or computer, are an important accessory to the e-girl lifestyle. Because how active e-girls are on electronics, having a wallpaper that reflects their own personal style is extremely important. This is usually put into either people, or images.
For people, usually it’s either a picture of the e-girl or their friends, or someone from a tv show, video game, or anime they like. Photos of the e-girls are good pictures of themselves, whether a cute selfie or a sexy candid.
The important thing here is that when she looks at the photo, she feels good about herself. When looking at their friends, e-girls can have any photo they want! This could be doing something stupid with their friends, or cuddling up with their significant other. Anything that makes them happy is a good sign that they have good wallpaper! For fictional characters, there’s a ton of fan made backgrounds that can be found on the internet! Or, an e-girl can just take a screenshot of a certain scene they like, but that usually won’t come out as well as a homemade background.
Show off your friends!
An example of a e-girl’s background related to their friends is here, where there’s a well edited background to show the e-girls interests and friends!
Use your spirit animal.. or character
For the fictional characters, a background like this is good as well!
Images encompass any non-human wallpaper, such as words, animals, and landscapes. With e-girls, it’s popular to have your phone background as a quote over some sort of graphic. An example of this is putting “Be your own kind of beautiful” over a pastel background, or “Hell was boring” over a fiery one. For animals, pictures of pets are always a good choice!
Show what you identify with:
Another popular one is making a collage of cute animals, putting them together in a way that gives you the ultimate level of cuteness. Landscapes are taken either from a place in a fictional world, or a place close to heart. This means that, for the e-girl, that area is close to her! A few examples are respect the drip, Karen, which shows a pop culture reference, and a really cool fandom reference!
When choosing a background, above all, make sure it makes you happy! It’s no use having a trendy background if you don’t like it!
Check out our full Pintested board with E-girl wallpapers here.